Get access to our offering

The Internet Development Studio Company invites you to use all of our services. Those services include API endpoints, developer tooling, reliable file storage, document generation tools, and even physical collaboration space.


The quickest and easiest way to use our API service, products and games. All you need is a verified e-mail address.

$0 USD/mo
Sign up
Generate up to 5 documents using our templates.
Create up to 3 surveys.
Access to all free APIs, products, and games.


More power and utility for anyone who needs it. Access to all of our products including a personal blog and newsletter tool.

$8.99 USD/mo
Sign up

All the benefits of the "Free", and:

1,500 credits deposited every month.
Free personal blog on TXT.DEV.
Access to all new products and games.
No limits.
Create any additional document for 100 credits each.
Create any additional survey for 100 credits each.
Upload any file٭ for 1000 credits each.


Requires an invitation from our community. Get a reserved desk٭٭ and access to new products as they are released.

$329 USD/mo

All the benefits of the "Professional", and:

45,000 credits deposited every month.
Send credits to other users.
A reserved desk٭٭ at the collaborative space in Seattle, WA.


Want to work with us in our collaboration space? Apply to get reserved space for your entire team and access to everything we have to offer.

All the benefits of "Collaborator", and:

Desks and collaborative team space٭٭٭.
Reservable event space (2,800 sqft) in Seattle, WA.

٭ Data — By uploading data through our service, you consent to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Acceptable Use Policy. Our API enforces a strict file size limit of 100MB to prevent misuse of our services. However, we may consider increasing this limit once we have a clearer understanding of your use case. Reach out to us if you wish to discuss.

٭٭ Reserved desks — Our office space offers a mix of reserved and open desks. The reserved desks are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Should we be unable to assign you a desk immediately, you will be placed on a waitlist and informed as soon as one becomes available. Please note that all desk assignments are subject to availability, regardless of application status.

٭٭٭ Collaborative team space — Availability for reserved team and startup space is limited. Please note that all spaces are subject to availability, even upon application.


Is your team shortstaffed? Do you need engineers and designers to fill roles on your team immediately?

Our studio is available for full time work! The Internet Development Studio Company will help you develop, launch, and manage the work. Avoid recruiting an expensive in-house design or development team from scratch. Get projects completed case-by-case, or have us embed with you, your team, or your company.

Learn more